Sons & Daughters Returns!
JANUARY 5-8th, 2017.
The rehearsal schedule will be:
December 20 - 10am-5pm @ Hinkley High School (Full Company)
December 21-23 - 10am-5pm @ Hinkley High School (Filming, scene specific call times and dates)
December 27-30 - 10am-5pm @ Hinkley High School (Filming, scene specific call times and dates)
December 31 - Load-In All Day, Venue TBD (Not everyone needs to be available all day as we will be loading in to our venue)
January 1 - Run Through, 10am - 2pm, Venue TBD (I recognize this is a holiday, but I'd like to do 1 non-costumed run)
January 2-4 - 4pm - 10pm Dress Rehearsals
January 5-7 - Performances @ 7pm
January 8 - Performance @ 6pm followed by strike
If you are part of the original company and plan to return, please fill out the form below so we can start to plan for the cast list, script and costuming:.